Emporia, KAN. – The Regal Plumb is teaming up with Southwick House to celebrate Founders’ Day on February 22, 2025. The historic home at 224 E. 6th Avenue in Emporia was once the home of U.S. Senator and Emporia Town Company Founder, Preston B. Plumb and his wife, Carrie Southwick Plumb.
Purchased in 2022 by longtime Emporian, Chris Stanley, the home has undergone significant restoration. Guests will enjoy stepping back in time to experience the opulence of this unique Emporia landmark.
“I think Preston Plumb would be very pleased with what we’ve done with the home,” Stanley said, “and I’m so excited to show it to our community for a great cause.”
Plumb was a member of the original Emporia Town Company founded on February 20, 1857. He served as a United States Senator from 1877 – 1891. Following his death in 1891 and Carrie’s in 1919, the heirs donated the home and carriage house to the YWCA for use as housing for single women. Although the name changed over the years, the home continued to serve single women in need of housing for the next 100 years.
Following the sale of the home in 2022 to Stanley, the Plumb Place organization launched a capital campaign to raise $3.6M for a new 9,000 square foot transitional home for women and families. The new facility and organization are working as Southwick House to honor Carrier Southwick Plumb and the original Plumb family legacy.
“The opportunity to build a new transitional housing facility that will serve women and families is remarkably special,” said Susan Brinkman, Executive Director of Southwick House, “and the fact that Mrs. Stanley stepped forward to preserve the original home is a remarkable gift to our community.”
According to Brinkman, the campaign is at 33% of their goal and have purchased a 6-acre parcel at 115 E. Logan Ave for the future site of Southwick House. When completed, the house will have 14 congregate and 2 non-congregate rooms with an anticipated service to approximately 100 women and families annually.
“The opportunity to enjoy the original Plumb home while raising money for the new transitional shelter and continuing the Plumb family legacy is extraordinary. We’re looking forward to sharing this day with the community,” said Jeremy Dorsey, President of the Southwick House board of directors.
The open house is planned for 1pm – 5pm on Saturday, February 22. A donation of $10 for adults and $5 for youth is suggested. All proceeds will go to the Southwick House capital campaign. This is a come-and-go event and tickets are not necessary. Music, light hors d’oeuvres, and docents will enhance the tour.
“Mrs. Stanley’s attention to detail and meticulous restoration is really something to behold,” Brinkman said. “I worked in the home in the 1990s and seeing it restored to its former elegance just really took my breath away.”
Additional information can be found at www.southwickhouse.org or by visiting the Regal Plumb Facebook page.